Guide elements AGATHON AG
The guide elements AGATHON AG have their tradition in the watch-making industry. Everywhere where shearing is done with a very small blade clearance, exactly prestressed ball guide elements are required. By using guide elements from the company AGATHON, you will considerably prolong service life of your tools and extend intervals between re-grinding of tools. Thanks to very narrow production tolerances, the guide elements AGATHON are prestressed by exactly defined prestressing, which even at high speeds up to 2000 strokes/min guarantees accurate guide of piercing punches towards the matrix.
Die sets of AGATHON AG bush
All guide bushes AGATHON AG have narrow production tolerance in the degree of exactness IT 4, which guarantees their problem-free replaceability. Guide bushes are equipped with glue grooves for easy gluing into holes in the plate. These are produced in H5 tolerance. Die sets are produced in h3 tolerance and equipped with relief h8 for easy assembly. All tolerances of alignment, roundness and cylindrical character are for die sets of the bush within the range from 1 to 5 microns, everything with high precision of guide areas. The guide area is achieved by special technology. All these measures prolong service life of the die set-bush system. Download the catalog here: (link)
Linear ball guides AGATHON AG
The ball guides AGATHON AG can be used not only in stamping technology, but also in designing of various devices. Due to their exactness, the linear ball guides are applied in machines where guides without clearance are necessary, in long axial movements; for example, on single-purpose assembly machines or in the textile industry and in the medicament production. Their special design is linear ball guides enabling at the same time axial and high speed radial movements. Here they can also be used at robotized workplaces of measuring technology.
Printed catalogs are available at
Phone: +420 577 607 315
Agathon official website (link)
The AGATHON AG catalogue of products in the 2D/3D format free of charge: The catalogue CADenas (PARTsolutions) is a large electronic CAD-catalogue containing all products in the 2D and 3D format. Here you can find data both in native CAD and neutral CAD formats.
Catalogs for download
Brochure - Precise centering system for AGATHON injection molds (PDF)
Brochure - MINI centering system AGATHON (PDF)
Brochure - AGATHON Guiding System Plus 6701 | 7231 | 8005 (PDF)
AGATHON Online Catalogue: (link)
About AGATHON AG company
AGATHON AG, based in Bellach, Switzerland, was founded in 1918 and is known worldwide as a leading manufacturer of high-end indexable insert grinders. Our second business division is the production and distribution of standard parts for engineering, tool and mold production.
Excellent customer service and a large network of representatives guarantee Agathon customers worldwide technical support, training and consulting for a comprehensive business solution.