Optical 2D and 3D technology for measuring metal pressed, plastic and hybrid parts
Jenoptik offers customers 2D camera systems for continuous production control and process optimization. The PSS station is mainly used in the field of pressed parts. Its deployment ensures the quality of the parts immediately in the pressing process. This system senses 100% of the number of molded parts in or behind the tool.
The PSS station is also used to optimize the pressing process during tool commissioning. Already at this point, you can observe the change of the respective dimensions on the pressed part depending on the pressing speed.
Such optimization and subsequent 100% ongoing control minimizes complaints about pressed parts and less material consumption. And all this without limiting the stroke speed!
Printed catalogs available at
Phone: +420 577 607 315
E-mail: office@konturatools.cz
JENOPTIK official website (link)
Catalogs for download
Optical inspection of stamped strips_PSS 40 (PDF)
Optical 3D inspection molding and forming_FLEX-3A (PDF)
Optical 3D metrology in plastic molding industry (PDF)
Optical inspection of press fit contacts (PDF)
About Jenoptik company
The name JENOPTIK is a combination of quality optics and the tradition of the German city of Jena. It is a guarantee of high-end applications of industrial image processing in the supply, automotive, pressing and glass industries as well as in many other industries.
JENOPTIK - we have a close relationship with high precision optics partners, machine manufacturers and image processing hardware partners. On this basis, we develop complex inspection and sorting machines, as well as sophisticated measuring systems, which are used in approx. 2,000 industrial applications.
JENOPTIK – we focus on confidential teamwork with customers. We consider this a necessary background for the combination of industry-specific requirements and the performance of measurement technology.
Our quality management system for the development, production, sale and service of optical measuring and inspection systems is certified by the accredited agency TÜV Thüringen according to DIN EN ISO 9001: 2015.